We work based on these specifications
Management and quality control
Management and quality control will be lead by University of Tirana, who is responsible for the
project management, and the development and implementation of a results-oriented project
management plan to ensure actual delivery of planned outcomes and follow-up on time conduction
of planned activities. This work will be executed in accordance with provisions of Grant Agreement
and Programme Guide as well as Project Management Plan. WP1 will cover the overall operational
and financial management and monitoring and quality assurance and evaluation, in which case
Quality control part will be unde r the coordination of Epoka university, which is a very experienced
partner in quality assurance processes.
- D1.1 Project Management Handbook
- D1.2 Steering Committee Meeting Reports
- D1.3 Mid-term Report
- D1.4 Evaluation Quality Plan
- D1.5 Intermediate quality evaluation report published
- D1.6 Final quality evaluation report published
- D1.7 External quality evaluation report
Status Quo Analysis
Work Package 2 builds on the needs analysis and data collection activities and based on the status
quo of the current knowledge transfer and entrepreneurial infrastructure and capacities of the
universities, but also on the innovation (research and commercialization) ecosystem, the Living Labs
will be based. These ecosystems include public and private entities (national and local
government units, universities, research institutes, NGOs, companies, etc.), basically all
participants and resources that are necessary for innovation.
D2.1 Report on HEInnovate Introductory Workshops
D2.2 Report on Discovery and verification workshop
D2.3 Individual PCUs assessment reports
D2.4 University-enterprise cooperation in selected WB countries – Report on the potential
and activities
D2.5 Peer-review report
Setting up 5 Sustainable Living Labs
This WP will serve as a basis for the following work packages. After the Hub staff has been trained
(WP3), the other WP will build on their activities and inputs. These hubs will not be standalone
centres, but will integrate the existing capacities utilising them through the Innovation Living Labs.
The goal is to position them as one-stop-shops for cooperation with enterprises and support of
students and academic staff to commercialise their research results and entrepreneurial ideas.
- D3.1 Strategy development workshop report
- D3.2 Sustainable Living Labs’ strategies
- D3.3 Sustainable Living Labs’ Officer job profile
Capacity building at 5 Innovation Living Labs
This WP is crucial for the project success and sustainability of its results. The work package leader,
UKIM will coordinate the EU universities in capacity building of the Sustainable Living Labs through
organisation of study visits and trainings, as well as the peer-mentoring.
D4.1 Practical training (1) on Global Green and Social Business Training
D4.2 Practical training (2) on Business Plan Development
D4.3 Sustainable Living Labs & business and analytical plan
EntreEdu Development Programme based on the EntreComp Framework
This work package aims at the development of the Portfolio of instruments and services of each
Sustainable Living Labs. Since each university and Hub has different needs, capacities, strategy and
business plan, for each Sustainable Living Labs tailor-made Portfolio of instruments and services will
be developed. Based on the developed portfolio, the call for projects with enterprises will be
published and the selected enterprises will receive free of charge support in their innovative and/or
entrepreneurial project. Each university will implement at least 3 projects in which at least one
representative from the academic staff and at least three students will be involved.
D5.1 Development of Progressive modular teaching materials for entrepreneurial educators
D5.2 Training materials for students and potential entrepreneurs
D5.3 Evaluation tools
D5.4 Trainings on entrepreneurship and innovation for university academic staff
D5.5 STEM (self) employment bootcamp / training for students
Setting up portfolio of services and instruments and implementing pilot projects
EntreEdu Development Programme for PCUs university staff and students based on the EntreComp
Framework – In the frame of this work package FHJ and UKZ will analyze the current (starting May
2021) state-of-the-art openly available materials developed in other projects such as: EntreComp for
Teachers, Erasmus+ project focused on development of open access Entrepreneurial learning tools
and methods for entrepreneurial educators. Piloting will be conducted in late 2020, early 2021;
European Training Programme in Entrepreneurship for Educators, a Tender by the EASME for
development of training programme in entrepreneurship, upgrade the skills and pedagogical tools of
educators within higher education institutions. The teaching materials and the toolkit (project still
not started at the CBHE submission deadline) should be also available latest at early 2021.
D6.1 Workshop for development of Living Labs portfolio services
D6.2 Sustainable Living labs portfolio of services
D6.3 Call for pilot projects
D6.4 Pilot projects implementation
D6.5 Students’ practical project experience reports
D6.6 Compilation of good practices in university enterprise cooperation
Dissemination will ensure to disseminate the idea & the results of this project to the wider
community, in order to engage as many interested parties as possible in the project activities & to
ensure the support of all the stakeholders & sustainability.
D7.1 Dissemination plan and impact and sustainability strategy
D7.2 Project Website
D7.3 Promotional Materials development
D7.4 Newsletters
D7.5 Final Conference
D7.6 Project Social Media Networks
D7.7 Dissemination activities report
D7.8 Report on measurement of KPIs